WiFi工業級內視鏡、IOS Android 都可用 WiFi內視鏡
一、 安裝軟體 Install the software 方法 1:掃描二維碼,進入下載界面,選擇配套系統軟體下載
Method One: scan the two-dimension code, enter the download interface and select the corresponding software to download
部分 iOS 用戶點擊沒反應,可以點擊通過 打開
For some iOS users, If there is no response when clicking it, they can open it through clicking the icon "Safari" 方法 2:在安卓或者 iPhone 應用商店搜索“XJ_endoscope”下載 Method Two:Search for "XJ_endoscope" in Android or iOS app store and download it.
安裝完成後,手機界面多出 圖標即完成。
Then install the XJ_endoscope software. The appearance of the icon on the
phone interface means the successful installment. 二、 將產品通過配送數據線連接外接 5 伏電源,安卓用戶也可以通過配送的 OTG 線, 通過手機來給產品供電(無圖一端接手機)。 Connect the product with the 5V power supply through the data wire. For Android users, they also can provide power to the product by connecting it with a mobile phone with an OTG wire. (no photo side to connected the end of the phone). 三、 通電 30 秒後,打開手機 wifi,點擊手機設置----WLAN 或者 WiFi---掃描,找到內窺 鏡設備名稱“XJendoscope_XX:XX:XX”,點擊連接,輸入密碼:“ ” After 30 seconds, turn on the phone’s WiFi, click on the phone to set ----WLAN or operate WiFi--- scan, find the name of endoscope device "XJendoscope_XX:XX:XX", click on the connection, and finally enter the password: " " 四、 打開軟體,蘋果手機會出現(下圖), 安卓手機會出現(下圖) Turn on the software, the icon will appear in an iphone or in an Android mobile phone.
點擊裡面的 IP 設備,即可出現畫面。 Click the IP device inside, the picture will appear.